Absence and Medical

It is important that our school records are complete and up-to date, in case we need to contact parents urgently. Please notify the School Office straightaway if there are any changes.

If your daughter is unwell

Please report your daughter’s absence through the St Mary’s app by selecting ‘Report your child’s absence’ on the home screen, or phone the Senior School office by 9am if your daughter is unwell and will not be in school. If she has vomited, she should be absent from school for 48 hours to ensure that she has fully recovered before returning. Students who are ill during the school day are looked after in the medical room until parents can collect.

Illness at school

If your daughter is ill during the school day she will be looked after in the medical room and you will be telephoned to collect her.

Other absences

If your daughter is to be absent for any other reason (for example, medicals, holidays) please contact the Head of Senior School, to request a leave of absence either by letter or email, seniorschool@stmaryscolchester.org.uk, as the school is required to keep a record. Similarly if your daughter leaves the school during the day (for example, for a dental appointment), she must sign out at the office and then sign in again on her return.


Parents are welcome to send into school any specific medication their daughter might need, which is always kept safe in either a locked cabinet or a fridge in the Senior School Office.

The parent of a child who requires an inhaler or an epi-pen must submit a Health, Care Plan. These can be obtained via your doctor or clinician.

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Reserve a place at an Open Day

Senior School

Friday 11 and Saturday 12 October, 9.30-11.30am

Individual tours of the Kindergarten, Lower School and Senior School are also available.

Reserve a place today