The Arts

Introducing our pupils to the arts during school time adds depth and richness to their education and sparks interests that can last a lifetime.


Art is taught as a discrete subject and our dedicated Art Studio is an inspirational space where pupils tackle larger creative projects using a variety of techniques from sculpting and textiles to watercolours and printing. In addition, in Design and Technology the girls take on termly projects, from inventing new smoothies to making puppets and model vehicles.


Miss Stephanie takes ballet lessons in school for pupils in Kindergarten and Prep. Additionally, lessons are available for girls in our Dance Studio after school.


Through Drama our pupils develop their confidence and imagination. For example, every infant has a role in the Christmas nativity and the Juniors take part in a summer production and arts performances throughout the year.


In weekly Music lessons, pupils sing, play percussion instruments and learn musical notation. There are many opportunities for girls to perform. For example, infants take part in the Christmas Nativity Musical with the Juniors participate in concerts throughout the year. Other performances include our Carol Service at Charter Hall in Colchester. We’ve also supported Barnardo’s in concerts held at the Royal Albert Hall and Wembley Arena.

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today