At Play

Learning through play is an integral part of life at St Mary’s Kindergarten. In addition, every afternoon children take part in an activity. Sessions include music, ballet and Forest School, often led by a specialist teacher. These activities stimulate the children’s bodies and minds. They also help develop their personalities and build their characters.

As well as the well-equipped Kindergarten building, the children have access to all the Lower School facilities. These include a multi-sensory play area, the school hall, Dance Studio and Library. The children are also able to enjoy the nine acres of grounds at the school. For example, the children use the sports courts, playing fields, Forest School area, secret garden and outdoor classroom.


Miss Stephanie’s ballet classes in the dance studio are a highlight of the week. Children are introduced to the techniques of ballet. They also enjoy learning to interpret the music. The children especially love watching their performances in the mirrored walls!


Every week the children create a tasty treat in their cooking lessons. They think about the ingredients and help weigh and measure. The highlight for the children is, of course, tasting their creations!

Forest School

At Forest School, children explore the natural environment in a safe setting. They learn about the flora and fauna and take part in physical challenges, working together. They also enjoy a whole range of activities such as toasting marshmallows on the campfire and climbing trees. Favourite activities include building dens and making mud pies in the mud kitchen!


A specialist music teacher runs music lessons. These give the children a taste of music-making, using a variety of percussion instruments as well as singing songs. The annual Nativity is a wonderful opportunity for the children to show off their performance skills to family!

Physical Education (PE)

PE sessions encourage the children to be active and to take part in stimulating games and activities that introduce practical skills and techniques. The lessons take part in the school hall, on the sports courts and the playing fields where a range of sports equipment is available. The children take part in the Kindergarten and Infant Sports Day in front of family who come to cheer them on!

Outdoor learning

There are regular opportunities for Kindergarten children to run, climb and play in their own secure outdoor area, throughout the Kindergarten day. The multi-sensory play area enhances and extends the learning opportunities already provided in the classroom and existing outdoor learning facilities. It includes a water pump, sand pit, mud kitchen, playhouse, climbing apparatus and slide. Bikes and scooters are also available for the children to ride around the paths.

Events and visits

Kindergarten children have the opportunity to go on trips, such as to the local church, and take part in events including Prize Giving, Remembrance Day service and Mothering Sunday service.

We also hold a number of events for the whole family of those at St Mary’s to enjoy, such as Fireworks night, our Summer Fete and outdoor theatre productions.

“The youngest children in the EYFS confidently ask for resources or explain their choice of activities”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today