Academic Success

St Mary’s is an academic school and our students’ achieve impressive exam results. This is despite the fact our school has a broad academic intake. In December 2022, the Sunday Times ‘Parent Power’ list ranked the Lower School as 12th highest performing preparatory school in the country. It also ranked the Senior School as 20th highest performing fee pay secondary school with small or no sixth form in England.

Small classes and individual attention

The key to our academic success is the fact that every student is well known in our close-knit community. For example, our classes are small and we are experts in contemporary girls’ education. In addition, our teachers are passionate about their subjects. They do all they can to support the girls with their learning on an individual basis. Whether this is in the classroom, in specific sessions or by suggesting extension work tailored to suit the student’s needs.

The confidence to ‘have a go’

In such a supportive, all-girl environment, our students develop self-confidence. For example, the girls put up their hands even if they’re not sure of the answer and push themselves to try a new activity or a more challenging task. In addition, our pupils are taught that making mistakes is an important part of learning. They are also taught that they should never be afraid to try. In this way, our students often discover they are capable of much more than they had ever imagined. This develops self-belief that’s so valuable in life.

Teaching expertise

Our teaching staff are very experienced. Many teachers have taught at St Mary’s for many years. Staff enjoy their work and are always on hand to provide support and guidance. Several members of staff are highly respected in their fields and act as mentors to staff at other schools. They are experts at teaching the girls in their subject or year group. They also share new ideas and approaches with other members of the Girls’ Schools Association and the Association of Independent Preparatory Schools.

High aspirations

Former students of St Mary’s achieve success in all walks of life. We encourage our pupils to make the most of all the opportunities St Mary’s offers. This includes opportunities to develop their talents as well as maximise their learning. By choosing university courses and careers that really interest them, they are more likely to succeed and find fulfilment in life. So our students are inspired to aim high and do all they can to achieve their goals in life.

“Pupils’ attainment at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), in National Curriculum tests in Year 6 and at GCSE is excellent”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

“Pupils reach excellent levels of attainment in lessons, work and public examinations”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

Lower School

Academic Achievement

Please enjoy reading our pupils’ results for the academic year 2022-23 and historical data.

We use a selection of tests to monitor our pupils’ progress and to make sure they are achieving to the best of their ability.  Our school is not academically selective, so these excellent results demonstrate the effectiveness of teaching and learning at St Mary’s.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Achieving a Good Level of Development means that pupils have met the Early Learning Goal or Exceeded in all the Prime Areas of Learning (Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development) as well as achieving the Early Learning Goal or Exceeded in Mathematics and Literacy.

2023 – 2024
90% of pupils in Prep attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years framework. This is compared to the national average of 67.2% (2023).

83% of pupils in Prep attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years framework. This is compared to the national average of 63%.

94% of pupils in Prep attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years framework. This is compared to the national average of 72%.

82% of pupils in Prep attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years framework. This is compared to the national average of 72%.

Statutory Assessment Tests – Attainment and Progress

Progress scores compare pupils’ key stage 2 results to those of other pupils nationally with similar prior attainment. Therefore, only pupils who took KS1 and KS2 tests are used in this data task. Progress scores are centred around 0 with most schools within -5 to +5.
A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally. Value added scores are not comparable year on year as the data reflects the different cohorts.

Attainment data shows all pupils who took the KS2 tests.

End of KS2 SATs Results 2024 St Mary’s Results National (2023)

Greater depth % 

Reading – Expected Standard 100% 73%
Reading – High Standard 70% 29%
Reading – Average Scaled Score 113 105
Writing* – Expected Standard 100% 71%
Writing* – Greater Depth 45% 13%
SPaG – Expected Standard 100% 72%
SPaG – High Standard 65% 36%
SPaG – Average Scaled Scores 114 105
Maths – Expected Standard 100% 73%
Maths – High Standard 65% 24%
Maths – Average Scaled Score 112 104

From 20 pupils who took KS2 SATS 40% achieved a higher standard across all 3 subject areas – Reading (110+), Maths (110+) and Writing (working at greater depth)

End of KS2 SATs Results 2022 St Mary’s Results National (2019)
Reading – Expected Standard 94% 73%
Reading – High Standard 64% 27%
Reading – Average Scaled Score 112 105
Writing* – Expected Standard 94% 78%
Writing* – Greater Depth 44% 20%
SPaG – Expected Standard 91% 78%
SPaG – High Standard 49% 36%
SPaG – Average Scaled Scores 109 106
Maths – Expected Standard 97% 79%
Maths – High Standard 49% 27%
Maths – Average Scaled Score 109 104

From 33 pupils who took KS2 SATS 30% achieved a higher standard across all 3 subject areas – Reading (110+), Maths (110+) and Writing (working at greater depth)

End of KS2 SATs Results 2023 St Mary’s Results National (2023)

Greater depth % 

Reading – Expected Standard 100% 73%
Reading – High Standard 71% 28%
Reading – Average Scaled Score 113 105
Writing* – Expected Standard 100% 71%
Writing* – Greater Depth 29% 13%
SPaG – Expected Standard 100% 72%
SPaG – High Standard 43% 36%
SPaG – Average Scaled Scores 110 105
Maths – Expected Standard 100% 73%
Maths – High Standard 57% 23%
Maths – Average Scaled Score 111 104

From 14 pupils who took KS2 SATS 29% achieved a higher standard across all 3 subject areas – Reading (110+), Maths (110+) and Writing (working at greater depth)

End of KS2 SATs Results 2022 St Mary’s Results National (2019)
Reading – Expected Standard 94% 73%
Reading – High Standard 64% 27%
Reading – Average Scaled Score 112 105
Writing* – Expected Standard 94% 78%
Writing* – Greater Depth 44% 20%
SPaG – Expected Standard 91% 78%
SPaG – High Standard 49% 36%
SPaG – Average Scaled Scores 109 106
Maths – Expected Standard 97% 79%
Maths – High Standard 49% 27%
Maths – Average Scaled Score 109 104

From 33 pupils who took KS2 SATS 30% achieved a higher standard across all 3 subject areas – Reading (110+), Maths (110+) and Writing (working at greater depth)


% Reading Writing SPaG Mathematics
Greater Depth 47 41 59 53
Expected 100 94 88 88
Emerging 0 6 12 12

InCAS Testing (National Average 100)

The InCAS (Interactive Computerised Assessment System) provides a wealth of information. It highlights pupils’ strengths and weaknesses so that teachers can determine the extent of the pupils’ knowledge and skills. The pupils at St Mary’s sit these tests at the beginning of the academic year and the results enable us to track progress. These results show the mean standardised scores in the year groups tested and shows that the pupils are working above expected level (national 100).

202-24 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Reading 109 114 113 115 119
General Maths 109 115 113 119 113
Mental Maths 94 111 107 109 110
Developed ability 100 120 113 123 115
Mean (Reading,

Gen Maths,

Mental Maths)

104 113 111 114 114


2022-23 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Reading 106 118 106 115 113
General Maths 116 115 119 109 111
Mental Maths 114 108 109 112 104
Developed ability 109 113 120 119 116
Mean (Reading,

Gen Maths,

Mental Maths)

112 114 111 112 109


2021-22 Year 2 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Reading 116 116 113 112
General Maths 115 113 112 112
Mental Maths 108 111 109 107
Developed ability 109 117 117 116
Mean (Reading,

Gen Maths,

Mental Maths)

113 113 111 110


2020-21 Year 2 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Reading 115 111 112 111
General Maths 115 117 114 116
Mental Maths 109 110 106 112
Developed ability 116 116 111 117
Mean (Reading,

Gen Maths,

Mental Maths)

113 113 111 113



St Mary’s Year 6 pupils are encouraged to apply for Scholarships to St Mary’s Senior School, which are awarded solely on merit (not means-tested). In the academic year 2023-24, 14 St Mary’s Year 6 pupils achieved St Mary’s Senior Scholarships. This included 5 Academic, 1 Art, 1 Sport, 1 STEM, 3 Music and 3 Miss Comrie.

“Pupils make excellent progress in the Lower School”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

Senior School

We are very proud of our students’ success in their GCSE examinations. Our results are particularly impressive considering we have a broad academic intake – the Senior School entry assessment is for academic tracking purposes only and to ensure that the school can best cater to each girl’s particular needs.

Classes are small and each individual is well known by all members of staff, who identify her preferred method of learning and ensure that she is supported, encouraged and extended so that she is able to do her best in all subjects.

GCSE Results 2024

The Senior School girls achieved a great set of GCSE results in August 2024, these are a testament to their hard work and determination, combined with the commitment and support from their teachers.

The headline GCSE results for 2024 are as follows:

  • 97% of results were level 9-4 or equivalent (comparable to grades A-C), compared to the national average of 67%.
  • 38% of results were level 9-7 or equivalent (comparable to grades A*-A), compared to the national average of 22%
  • Half or more of the results were graded at 9-7 or equivalent (comparable to grades A*-A) in eight subjects including Physics, Art and Design and Religious Studies this year.

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