Forest School for Primary school children at St Mary's Kindergarten Colchester


See the amazing facilities and the range of activities available at St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester, from French to Forest School

Welcome to St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester

Welcome to St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester! We are a conveniently located private Kindergarten near Colchester, Essex. The Kindergarten is part of St Mary’s, an independent school for girls, and is based at our Lower School site.

At St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester we offer an outstanding all-round pre-school education, amazing facilities and flexible childcare. We provide a great introduction to learning and prepare the children for starting school, academically and socially.

The Kindergarten also provides girls with a smooth transition through to our Lower School, ranked 12th highest performing Prep School in England by The Sunday Times. The majority of the girls in our Prep (Reception) Class move up from our Kindergarten.

There is a very high demand for places in our Kindergarten and places can fill up over a year in advance. We advise you to therefore contact us as early as possible regarding a place.

St Mary’s school and kindergarten Colchester rated excellent by the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI)

The Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) rated St Mary’s excellent in February 2023. This rating is the highest award. It covers both ‘the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements’ and ‘the quality of the pupils’ personal development’.

The key findings emphasised the high levels of attainment across the curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), in National Curriculum tests for Year 6 and at GCSE level. We were delighted that our emphasis on the importance of pastoral care was also documented by inspectors.

A great introduction to learning at St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester

Children can start at St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester at the start of the term in which they turn three, with girls progressing to our Prep (Reception) Class in the September after they turn four.

We have a high ratio of staff to children. Specialist teachers run sessions such as French, Music and Ballet.

During their time at the pre-school, we introduce children to learning and give them a solid preparation for starting school. This is both academically and socially, so they can make the most of all the opportunities school life brings.

The EYFS curriculum continues from St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester into school

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum continues in our Prep (Reception) Class and academic excellence is seen across the school. I was so proud when The Sunday Times ranked St Mary’s Lower School the 12th highest performing Prep School in England. Our pupils perform at well above the national average in maths, spelling and grammar, reading and writing. We also have a high 11+ pass rate for those who choose to sit the exam. The National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) has recently reaccredited the Lower School with the NACE Challange Award. This award is given in recognition of commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners within the context of challenge for all.

At St Mary’s, we’re able to achieve such success by tailoring the education to suit the needs of each individual in our small classes. We also give pupils the encouragement and support they need to aim high. You can read more about our impressive results here.

Well-rounded pre-school education at St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester

We believe in providing a well-rounded experience. Children take part in a range of activities such as PE, Forest School, music, ballet, French, cooking and outdoor learning. All activities are included in the fees.

Children have the opportunity to go on trips, such as to the local church. They also take part in events including the Kindergarten and Infant Sports Day, Nativity performance, Prize Giving, Remembrance Day service and Mothering Sunday service.

We also hold a number of events for the whole family of those at St Mary’s to enjoy. These include Fireworks night, our Summer Fete and outdoor theatre production.

First-class nursery facilities at St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester

Our purpose-built Kindergarten has an enclosed outdoor multi-sensory play area. It is the perfect place for young children to thrive in a safe environment. There is also a specially designed outdoor learning area for the Kindergarten children to use.

Additionally, Kindergarten children have access to all the Lower School facilities. For example, the Kindergarten children use the Library, Forest School area, outdoor classroom, Dance Studio, School Hall, playing fields and sports courts, all set on nine acres of land. This introduction to St Mary’s school life helps provide a smooth transition to school.

Our Kindergarten is very popular and places can fill up over a year in advance. So if you’re interested in St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester please get in touch with our Registrar at or on 01206 594256.

Flexible childcare available at St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester

Our Kindergarten is open 51 weeks of the year, providing continuity for the children and enabling their learning to continue across the year. Our core day is 8.30am-3.30pm and we have different wrap around options, starting at 7.30am and running until 6pm.

Children with siblings at the school also have the option of term-time only.

Enquire today about a place at St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester

So if you’re looking to find the best kindergarten in Colchester for your child, arrange to visit us today to see all we offer. You can also contact our Registrar on 01206 594256 or at

The following pages of our website will give you a sense of our Kindergarten and school. You may also receive recommendations from others. Nothing will give you a better insight than visiting yourself however.

We look forward to welcoming you to St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester

We hold Open Days at three times each year, in the spring, summer and autumn. Our weekday Open Days provide an opportunity to see the Kindergarten and school in action and meet the Senior Leadership team. At our Saturday kindergarten and school Open Days, there will be an opportunity to tour the Kindergarten and school, and meet pupils and staff. Our Senior Leadership team and Admissions team will also be available for you to speak to at the end of your tour while you enjoy refreshments provided by our catering team.

We very much look forward to helping you explore St Mary’s Kindergarten Colchester as an option for your child.

Mrs Nicola Griffiths, Principal and Mrs Emma Stanhope, Vice Principal

“Children in the EYFS and pupils in the lower school make excellent progress.”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

“Pupils of all ages demonstrate outstanding communication skills”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

“Very positive attitudes to learning are fostered by strong and warm relationships between pupils and their teachers.”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

“The youngest children in the EYFS confidently ask for resources or explain their choice of activities”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today