Kindergarten Life

Children can start at St Mary’s Kindergarten at the start of the term they turn three. Before children even begin at our Kindergarten we spend time getting to know them. This helps them become familiar with us and helps the children settle in smoothly.

We find it helpful to discuss children’s learning experiences before they join us to ensure we understanding their needs. This means that together we are giving them the best possible pre-school education.

We assign children a Key Person who is responsible for their individual learning journey, and for monitoring their progress and wellbeing.

For children to gain the best out of pre-school education we recommend they join us for a minimum of two core days per week. This provides continuity and helps children develop relationships with staff and peers, giving them the opportunity to fully embrace the learning environment. The more days children join us, the more they benefit from all we offer.

Our core day

The core day is 8.30am-3.30pm. The day begins with a group activity such as story time or ‘show and tell’, which the children love. They then move on to a variety of carefully selected learning activities. The afternoon provides lively sessions such as Forest School, ballet, PE or music, before ending the day with a final group activity.

Children have a healthy snack of milk or water and fruit or vegetables in the morning and afternoon. At lunchtime the children join the infant pupils in the school hall, where they enjoy a hot meal served at tables, sitting with the Kindergarten Practitioners. It’s a perfect way to encourage good table manners and social skills.

Flexible childcare

We are open 51 weeks of the year. Children can join us from 7.30am where a buffet breakfast is offered. Extended stays until either 4.30pm or 6pm are also available. Tea is served to those staying until 6pm. You can find more information on sessions and prices here.

For younger siblings of those attending St Mary’s Lower School, we offer a term-time only option of 38 weeks. See the published term dates for further information regarding Kindergarten dates. You can book additional weeks, subject to availability.

“Very positive attitudes to learning are fostered by strong and warm relationships between pupils and their teachers.”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today