Two St Mary's Lower School pupils sitting in a Library holding books and laughing

Lower School

Welcome to St Mary’s Lower School Colchester

Welcome to St Mary’s Lower School Colchester! We are an independent Preparatory School situated in an impressive historic building, set within nine acres of beautiful grounds. We are based on the outskirts of Colchester, Essex.

You will get a sense of the academic excellence, brilliantly balanced education and nurturing environment we offer at St Mary’s Lower School, on the following pages of our website. But nothing will give you a better insight into our vibrant school than by taking a look around.

So please arrange a private tour at a time that is convenient to you, or reserve a place at an Open Day.

Academic excellence at St Mary’s Lower School Colchester

We were so proud when The Sunday Times ranked St Mary’s Lower School Colchester the 12th highest performing Prep School in England.

Our pupils perform at well above the national average in maths, spelling and grammar, reading and writing. We also have a high 11+ pass rate for those who choose to sit the exam. In addition, our pupils achieve a consistently strong record of scholarship offers to independent secondary schools, including our Senior School, where Lower School girls, along with siblings, get priority for places.

We’re able to achieve such success by tailoring the education to suit the needs of each individual in our small classes. We also give pupils the encouragement and support they need to aim high.

The National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) has recently reaccredited the Lower School with the NACE Challange Award. This award is given in recognition of commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners within the context of challenge for all.

You can read more about our impressive results here.

Rated excellent by the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI)

The Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) rated St Mary’s excellent in February 2023. This rating is the highest award. It covers both ‘the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements’ and ‘the quality of the pupils’ personal development’.

The key findings emphasised the high levels of attainment across the curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), in National Curriculum tests for Year 6 and at GCSE level. We were delighted that our emphasis on the importance of pastoral care was also documented by inspectors.

Our vision at St Mary’s Lower School Colchester is to empower girls to thrive

We use our expertise in educating girls to empower pupils. We also inspire them to see the world as one full of limitless possibilities. Research shows the environments created by all-girls’ schools can mean girls are less likely to be influenced by negative gender stereotypes. Research also suggests girls in single-sex schools have higher aspirations, greater motivation and are challenged to achieve more.

We offer a brilliantly balanced education at St Mary’s Lower School and provide an abundance of opportunities for the girls to grow and develop.

As well as challenging the girls academically, we also challenge pupils physically and creatively. Pupils participate in a wide range of sports at the Lower School, from dancing and orienteering to football and hockey. The girls take part in competitions such as netball tournaments and swimming galas throughout the year, often with great success.

We regard the creative and performing arts highly at St Mary’s and provide a rich arts curriculum and extra-curricular activities. Girls’ confidence in performing grows as a result of a range of drama productions and concerts on offer. These range from Nativity performances and small informal music concerts to spectacular drama productions and a whole school Carol Service.

An environment that is safe in every respect

We know that for girls to achieve their very best they must feel confident, relaxed and secure. Pupils thrive when they are happy. Our pastoral support is therefore at the centre of all we do.

In our small school, we both know and understand every girl. We nurture the whole person and provide an environment free from judgement and stereotypes, where the girls can be themselves. People often describe the atmosphere at the school as calm, supportive and nurturing.

We value every pupil here at St Mary’s. The girls here are not afraid to have a go at something new, take risks or put themselves forward to be a leader. It is in this positive environment where the girls develop the self-confidence needed to really blossom.

Enquire today about a place at St Mary’s Lower School Colchester

So if you’re looking to find the best prep school in Colchester for your daughter – a school that delivers an excellent academic and all-round education with outstanding pastoral care – arrange to visit us today. You can also contact our Registrar on 01206 594256 or at

The following pages of our website will give you a sense of the Lower School. You may also receive recommendations from others. Nothing will give you a better insight than visiting the school yourself however.

Our main entry point to the Lower School is in our Prep (Reception) Class. Many of the girls join the Lower School from our Kindergarten however, where places often fill up over a year in advance. We advise you to therefore contact us as early as possible regarding a place in our Kindergarten.

Girls may be able to join other year groups if a place is available. You can contact our Registrar on 01206 594256 or at for further information.

We very much look forward to helping you explore St Mary’s as an option for your daughter.

Mrs Nicola Griffiths, Principal and Mrs Emma Stanhope, Vice Principal

“The school’s new values of ‘Ambitious, Bold, Compassionate, Dynamic and Enquiring’ succinctly describe the aspiration of this outstanding school”

National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE)

See behind the scenes at St Mary’s Lower School Colchester

See behind the scenes at the 12th highest performing Prep School in England:

“Pupils make excellent progress in the Lower School”

From ISI inspection report 2023 - rated 'excellent'

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today