School Uniform


Pupils of all ages wear the St Mary’s school uniform, which is practical as well as easy to care for, smart and stylish. We feel it is important even for children in the Kindergarten to wear the St Mary’s uniform with pride and enjoy the sense of belonging it brings (it also makes life easier for parents!)

Of course, all items of school clothing and equipment should be named to speed up the return of lost items.

Clothing and equipment lists

Please download the Uniform Lists for details of clothing and equipment needed for Kindergarten, Lower School and Senior School in 2023-24:

Ordering uniform

Uniform is available to order online by visiting the School Colours website. Here you can create an account (through LOG IN button) so you can access the products in the School Colours school shop, which can be accessed through the School Finder button.

For any enquiries about your uniform order, please go to ‘Contact Us’ on the School Colours web shop or email You will need to quote St Mary’s Colchester, the name on the order and the order number.

Care of Property

Expensive items should not be brought to school. There are bins for lost property in the cloakroom. (Most lost items usually re-appear eventually).

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today