Drop-off, Collection and Visiting

We appreciate parents’ courtesy when bringing their children to school, collecting them or visiting during the school day.

Visiting the school during working hours

During the school day, all visitors (including parents) must ring on the main gate. A member of the Lower School Office team will then come out to greet you. All visitors/parents must then report immediately to the Lower School Office.

Parents are not permitted to walk around the school. This is due to fire regulations and our responsibility for the safeguarding of the pupils in our care.


The car park has been designed to ensure that traffic flows well at busy times. It is extremely important that parents drive very slowly and carefully while on the school site, for the safety of the children and other parents. The drop-off area is for those dropping off girls entering the school independently and should not be used for parking.

Procedure if you are late or not able to collect you daughter

If you are knowingly going to be late to collect your daughter from school, please contact the Lower School Office so that we can reassure your daughter that you are on your way. If a different person is picking up your daughter, please inform the class teacher in the morning or telephone the school as early as possible so that we can let her know of the new arrangement and we can be sure we are handing her over to the correct person at the end of the day.

If a child has not been picked up, she will be taken to Activity Time, so she is with other children until 3.25pm. After that time, she will be seated outside the School Office. If no call is received, the school will try to contact the child’s parent/carer to ask his or her whereabouts. If a parent/carer cannot be contacted, we will call the second contact. If no-one collects your daughter after one hour of waiting and there is no-one who can be contacted to collect your daughter, we apply the procedures for an uncollected child. Please see the Policies page of the school website for the details.

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today