Events and Communication

At St Mary’s we pride ourselves on excellent communication with parents.

Key Person

Your child’s Key Person will introduce themselves to you and will be your reassuring point of contact whilst your child remains at our setting. Kindergarten Practitioners are available at the start and end of the day to speak to parents, if needed. Parents who wish to have a longer meeting should arrange this through the Kindergarten Manager as child to adult ratios must be adhered to at all times in the setting.

School records

It is important that school records are complete and up to date, in the event that parents need to be contacted urgently. Please notify the Kindergarten Manager if there are any changes.


It is important for us to share with you how your child is progressing in the Kindergarten. The online learning programme Tapestry is a two-way system which gives parents the opportunity to see what their child has been learning. It also allows you the opportunity to share key moments with us. This creates a rounded picture of your child’s learning and development.

Parents’ Evening

You will have the opportunity to formally meet with your child’s Key Person twice a year. The meeting will focus on your child’s learning and development progress. Next steps learning targets will also be shared at the meetings.

Email and text communications

Correspondence between Kindergarten and parents is via the St Mary’s app or text message. Messages may require a ‘click response’. The School Office staff are happy to help with any difficulties. Any email communications should go via the St Mary’s app messages for current parents to Lower School Office – St Mary’s or

School app

St Mary’s has a school app through which parents are sent communications such as calendar dates, notices, school trip messages and news stories. Parents are able to contact relevant staff directly through the messaging system on the app.


The school website is a great source of information on all sections of St Mary’s School. It also includes school policies and the latest news.
The Parents Portal can be found at and contains useful information such as school day timings, key dates, menus, uniform guide and online shop, curriculum and news. This information can also be accessed via the St Mary’s app for parents when their child joins Kindergarten.

Social Media

You can follow us on Twitter(@stmaryscolch), Facebook (Stmaryslowerschoolcolchester) and Instagram (@Stmaryscolchester)


St Mary’s has an active Parent Teacher Association, which organises at least one social or fundraising event for the whole school each term. Membership of the PTA is automatic and parents are kept informed via the newsletter and by letter, of the various PTA events.

Parents who would like to help organise PTA events are encouraged to join the PTA committee, who can be contacted by emailing The committee meets on one evening each half term to plan events.

Key events

We enjoy welcoming friends and family members into school on a regular basis for events. These include performances such as the Nativity, outdoor theatre production, Sports Day for the older Kindergarten children, PTA events such as Fireworks Night and our annual Prize Giving celebrations. Details of events are communicated via the St Mary’s app.

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today