Site Access

We appreciate parents’ courtesy when bringing their children to Kindergarten, collecting them or visiting during the school day.

Visiting the school during working hours

During the school day, all visitors (including parents) must ring on the main school gate and wait to be given further instructions by the office staff. This is crucial to ensure the children’s safety.


The car park has been designed to ensure that traffic flows well at busy times. It is extremely important that parents drive very slowly and carefully while on the school site, for the safety of the children and other parents.

The drop-off area is for those dropping off children entering the school independently and should not be used for parking.

Procedure if you are late or not able to collect you child

Parents who know they will be late to collect their son or daughter from Kindergarten should contact the Kindergarten or Lower School Office as soon as possible so that the child may be reassured.

If a child is to be collected by someone other than the usual adult, it is vitally important that Kindergarten, or the Lower School Office, is informed as soon as possible so that the correct information is at hand at the end of the Kindergarten day.

If a child has not been collected at the end of the day the Kindergarten staff will attempt to contact the child’s parent or carer to ascertain that whereabouts of the adult collecting.

If a parent or carer cannot be contacted, Kindergarten staff will call the second contact.

If a child is not collected after one hour of waiting and none of the contacts can be reached, the Kindergarten staff will apply the procedures for an ‘uncollected child.’ The Late and Non Collections policy can be found on the Policies page of the school website.

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Reserve a place at an Open Day

Senior School

Friday 11 and Saturday 12 October, 9.30-11.30am

Individual tours of the Kindergarten, Lower School and Senior School are also available.

Reserve a place today