
This section of the website is designed to give parents and students the latest information about exams including timetables and guidance documents.

See below for the exams timetables for the summer 2024 term.

Results day arrangements

GCSE Results Day is Thursday 22 August 2024.

Results for Year 11 will be available for collection from the Senior School between 10.00am and 11.30am.
Results not collected between these times will be posted.

If a pupil wishes someone to collect results on their behalf (including family members), they must give written authorisation to the Examinations Officer (Mrs Kitteridge: kitteridges@stmaryscolchester.org.uk) before results day. The nominated person should bring photo ID with them when collecting results.

Review of Results

The awarding bodies offer the following review of results (ROR) services. Candidate consent is required for all the services listed below:

ROR Service 1 (Clerical re-check)
This is a re-check of all clerical procedures leading to the issue of a result.
ROR Service 2 (Post results review of marking)
This is a post results review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly.

Priority Access To Scripts (PATS)
This service allows you to view your script before deciding on a review (always seek advice from your subject teacher before a review – they have access to mark schemes).

Access To Scripts (ATS)
This service is to request your script to be returned to you/school.

Candidates must be aware that if a result is reviewed, the mark could stay the same, go up or go down and you should bear this in mind when considering asking the school for a review of results.

Please see below a Review of Results (RORs) and Access to Scripts (ATS) form, which includes all relevant fees.

Should you have any queries or require assistance please contact Mrs Kitteridge (Examinations Officer) on kitteridges@stmaryscolchester.org.uk

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