Girl in a classroom at Prep Class At St Mary's Colchester in Essex

Children in Need 2018

16 November 2018

On Thursday 15 and Friday 16 November, Kindergarten, Lower School and Senior School students and staff participated in a number of Children in Need fundraising activities including a cake sale, Pudsey Bear raffle, song-request karaoke, a Pudsey Bear mask competition and a non-uniform day.

Year 6 have even been engaging in a Children in Need inspired Maths lesson, investigating the best way to measure the perimeter of Pudsey using various equipment.

At lunchtime in the Senior School there was a Talent Show organised by 11A, congratulations to Hannah and Phoebe in Year 7 for winning with their beautiful rendition of “What is this Feeling?” from the musical ‘Wicked’.Well done to Grace in 7Alpha for doing a sponsored silence and communicating only with the use of a hand-held whiteboard! These funds combine, saw us raise in excess of £1,000, many thanks to parents for their continued support.

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Reserve a place at an Open Day

Kindergarten and Lower School:

Friday 4 and Saturday 5 October, 9.30-11.30am

Senior School

Friday 11 and Saturday 12 October, 9.30-11.30am

Individual tours of the Kindergarten, Lower School and Senior School are also available.

Reserve a place today