Senior School Sports Reports wc 19 September 2022

23 September 2022

Tuesday 20 September – Year 10 and 11 Netball v Colchester County High School for Girls

Captained by Sofie and Imogen, it was their first friendly match of the season on Tuesday 20 September against CCHSG. It was good to get back on the court.  A great performance by all of the girls and good encouragement within both teams.  

Mrs Byford, PE Teacher 

On Tuesday St Mary’s took part in a netball match again Colchester County High School for Gilrs. Both teams played their hardest even with few practices we played well. Once the Y10 team got into playing our spacing and passing became more accurate and efficient. With more practice we can learn how to slow the game down and make the shooting less rushed so we result with more goals as opportunities were missed by small mistakes that can be perfected with more practice in clubs and lessons. But overall, the girls played well with the position switching and mostly everyone has found their position or changed their mind about what they’d like to play in the future. Overall, well played.

Sofia, Year 10 

Wednesday 21 September

Year 7 Netball v St Benedict’s College 

On 21st September, St Mary’s Year 7 played St Benedict’s in a friendly netball match. Team 2 did amazingly well beating St Benedict’s 13-1. Although everyone did well, I think that one of the best players in my team was Addison as she kept on moving around and looking for empty spaces to run to. Thank you for letting me participate in that match.

Annabelle, Year 7

Year 8 Netball v St Benedict’s College

Year 8 got off to an inevitably tentative start in their first match of the season against St Benedict’s. We got off to a 2-1 head start in the first quarter, and after a quick team chat, came back to increase their lead significantly before half time. Final score was a 10-2 win! Some excellent attacking play to dominate the game being converted by shooters Gabi and Isabelle. 

Miss Middleditch, PE Teacher 

Thursday 22 September – Year 9 Netball v Colchester County High School for Girls

On Thursday 22nd of September, St Mary’s Year 9s came up against CCHGS, in a friendly netball match. All of us were waiting in anticipation for the match, as we know what a formidable team they are. The first quarter was all about settling in and seeing how the game flowed. As the quarter progressed our team grew stronger, our passing became more accurate and our defending on point , this put us in the lead, and the first few goals gave confidence to our team, and we ended the first quarter on a 6-1 lead to St. Mary’s. We went into the next quarter with more confidence and new tact tics from Mrs Hawkwood. We were aiming to defend our players, by off-man marking, to enable us to make the interceptions. This worked really well, and with some excellent defending from Grace, Maddie and Alice, we were able to drive the ball up the court thanks to our attacking players Eva and Sally to our shooters Evie, Isla -and Sally when we had a position change- who shot some amazing goals. The next two quarters went really well, and we were able to continue our lead throughout the whole match. Which ensured us in a 16-6 victory. All of our players worked really hard, and the results reflected this. The player of the match went to Maya, but it was amazing team performance. 

Maya, Year 9



Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today