National Poetry Day 2021

7 October 2021

I’ve had my head down and been diverted from this blog by the buzz of being able to offer the girls more access to the Library than was possible last year but as today is National Poetry Day I wanted to share the following which emotes how I’ve been feeling when the girls come in…

I’ve learned many things,
how I love doors and windows,
how I love people.
– Rosie Jackson

I found that on the national poetry day website

‘Project Haiflu’ was created by poet Liv Torc who wanted to capture ‘the story of 3 months of lockdown’ it’s a compilation that started with her “attempt to check how her friends were feeling when life-as-they-knew it stopped”.

My own personal haiku would have to make mention of books of course but thank you Rosie Jackson, your words really do hit a heartfelt note. As do many of the other poems on the official web site with it’s theme of choice. I hope you will choose to check some out.

Mrs Cassell, Librarian

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Senior School

Friday 11 and Saturday 12 October, 9.30-11.30am

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