Girl in a classroom at Prep Class At St Mary's Colchester in Essex

Bumper collection for Bag2School

5 December 2019

St Mary’s Senior School has organised a number of textile collections with Bag2School to help raise funds for Eco initiatives in school. This year’s donations provided a bumper collection which was collected on Thursday 5 December. Bag2School is the UK’s leading textile recycler and fundraiser, working with schools, and since its inception in 1999 they have now paid out over £36 million to schools and other organisations.

As well as raising funds for the school and helping the environment by diverting unwanted textiles away from landfill, it provided a great opportunity for students, parents and staff to sort through cupboards and wardrobes!

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Reserve a place at an Open Day

Senior School

Friday 11 and Saturday 12 October, 9.30-11.30am

Individual tours of the Kindergarten, Lower School and Senior School are also available.

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