16 July 2019
Key Stage 1 SATs results at our Lower School are as excellent as ever, with over three times the percentage of pupils working at greater depth in Writing and Mathematics than the national average.
These results are a real reflection of our pupils’ hard work, combined with the high-quality teaching and individual attention provided at St Mary’s. Our academic success isn’t the result of a narrowed curriculum however, it’s just the opposite! Girls enjoy taking part in a wide range of subjects and activities both within and beyond the classroom – from Forest School to Japanese, and from Ballet to Philosophy.
55% of Key Stage 1 pupils at St Mary’s were said to be working at a greater depth in Writing, compared to a national average of 16% In Mathematics this was 73% for St Mary’s compared to 22% for the national average.
100% of St Mary’s Key Stage 1 pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Spelling & Grammar, and Mathematics.
“These results once again prove that ‘happy girls are high achievers’, said Mrs Stanhope, Director of St Mary’s Lower School. “Our pastoral support is at the centre of all that we do and the girls thrive as a result of our warm and happy environment.”