15 March 2019
Hands-on science has been the theme of this year’s Science Week, with practical sessions and activities taking place in the labs and classrooms throughout the week.
The week began at the Senior School with a visit from top fingerprint expert Mike Spore who explained his role with the Royal Mail and demonstrated to Year 8 some key forensic science techniques. The students were soon brushing mugs for fingerprints and even taking their own fingerprints! During the lunch break, students made a range of delicious flavoured ice cream with liquid nitrogen!
On Tuesday, strong-stomached students watched Biology Teacher, Mrs Murray dissect a heart and then had a go themselves!
The Lower School hosted a Science Day on Wednesday. Throughout the morning, the girls took part in a variety of science experiments, following the theme of journeys. Exploding mice, walking water, soap powered boats, tie dyed milk – there was so much going on! In the afternoon, Mr Vieito, Head of Science at the Senior School, visited the Lower School to deliver interactive workshops, showing the pupils how to make the ultimate paper aeroplane.
Years 7, 8 and 9 also logged on to the National Schools’ Observatory website on Wednesday to get access to the world’s largest fully-robotic telescope, Liverpool Telescope, and request images of the solar system.
Kimmy’s Zoo ran a fun, interactive session on Thursday, with an array of exotic animals including a Chilean rose tarantula, a snake and some very cute sugar gliders!
“We’ve had a wonderful variety of scientific experienceson offer to both our Lower School and Senior School girls this week.” MrsVipond, Principal said “I don’t think I have ever witnessed as many practical science activities – it was quite a spectacle to see the girls in action, particularly when they made ice-cream with liquid nitrogen and turned their hand to organ dissection!”