26 June 2017
The occasional showers didn’t put a dampner on the competition at our Junior and Senior Sports Day, held at Colchester Garrison track on 22 June!
Determination was etched on the faces of girls of all ages as they took part in track and field events through sunshine and showers. Great support was offered by students and the large audience of friends and family. Year 9 students were excellent role models, as they ran the Years 3 and 4 field events and motivated the younger pupils extremely well.
There were some very good performances and several Lower School records were smashed.
The overall house results were Abbeygate 317 points (fourth); Scheregate 327 points (third), Headgate 329 points (second) and in first place, Balkernegate with 367 points.
Congratulations to all who made this such a successful event.