Girl in a classroom at Prep Class At St Mary's Colchester in Essex

Science Week!

17 March 2017

The Senior School has enjoyed a whole week of Science, 13-17 March!

Science Week actually began on 10 March with Year 10 students’ visit to the GCSE Live show at the Apollo Victoria Theatre, London. The girls heard talks by Prof Jim Al-khalili (Physics and Space), Prof Lord Robert Winston (Genetics), Prof Andrea Sella (Chemistry – Faraday Prize for Communication), Prof Alice Roberts (Evolutionary Biology) and Prof Maggie Aderin-Pocock (Space – Sky at Night) and had the chance to pick up some GCSE tips from the Chief Examiner.

On Monday 13 March, 8Aleph introduced Science Week in assembly and explained each day’s activities.

In Tuesday’s Creative Science Club, Mrs Hall demonstrated how to alloy copper and zinc and make brass, which produced a gold-colour coin for each student.

On Wednesday, top Forensic Scientist from the Royal Mail Mr Spore explained to Year 9 his role as a fingerprint expert. He demonstrated forensic science techniques and then ran an interactive session in which the students lifted fingerprints from mugs and made a set of their own fingerprints, which they used to make a fingerprint keyring. Alpacas and baby goats came to visit and students learnt interesting facts about the animals and their care.

Mrs Chamberlain ran a dissection session on Thursday – a group watched as she conducted a lung pluck and heart being inflated and dissected, before dissecting a heart themselves.

Throughout the week, students in all year groups were encourage to create a poster on change, and to take part in online activities watching penguins and running the solar system!

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