Girl in a classroom at Prep Class At St Mary's Colchester in Essex

Junior Cross Country Competition 2018

30 October 2018

St Mary’s Junior pupils at the Lower School braved the chilly weather for our annual Cross Country Competition on 30 October. The girls raced on the course within the school grounds in their year groups with Years 3 and 4 running two laps of the course, totaling 1,000 metres and Years 5 and 6 running three laps to complete the 1,500 metre course. Competitors were cheered on by their fellow class mates, parents and staff. Gold, silver and bronze medals were presented by Mrs Vipond, Principal to those who came in the top three for their Year group. Points were awarded towards the House Cup which will be presented later in the year.

Well done to everyone for participating!

Results for Year 3

1st Phoebe
2nd Sophie
3rd Ebun and Elsa

Team winners: Headgate

Results for Year 4

1st Elizabeth
2nd Carys
3rd Alice

Team winners: Scheregate

Results for Year 5

1st Eva and Niamh
2nd Lilly
3rd Natalie

Team winners: Balkernegate

Results for Year 6

1st Bea
2nd Tilly
3rd Rose

Team winners: Abbeygate

Overall team winners: Balkernegate

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